Carolines Attempt At Blogging

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In the silence of the night, 

tiny frames, so frail and light,

lie awake,

bearing burdens far beyond their years.

Their tummies rumbling, aching them into tears.

In the heart of Africa, beneath the winter sun,

the kids dance and play, their laughter fun.

Yet deeper still 

in the shadows of their longing eyes,

lies hunger for food that truly satisfies.

Their eyes search for a glimmer of hope,

searching for more than just to cope.

Hunger not just for manna. 

A yearning for love, a gentle hand, a smile

but these worldly things only last a while. 

In the darkness that surrounds, 

they seek a love that knows no bounds.

As they gaze up at the vast African sky, 

they search for His guiding light. 

For in His arms, their future is bright.

Lord use us to be the hands that feed 

not just food, but also a seed.

I pray that once we leave here,  

they will know Your love and find their rest.

That they will go out a spread Your word as far as the East is from the West.



3 responses to “Week 19: Eswatini”

  1. I am so proud of you and the work you are doing for the Lord. I love you ❤️