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Witnessing God’s Work in a Closed Country: My First Experience

Being a missionary is challenging, but being one in a closed country is on a whole different level. For the first time, I’ve found myself in a place where religious freedoms are almost non-existent, and sharing my faith openly is against the law. It’s a constant struggle, but I’ve also seen the Lord work in incredible ways that I never imagined possible.

The Daily Struggles

Living in a closed country means we have to be very careful. We can’t preach openly to Vietnam locals, church services are supposed to be done  underground, and the word missionary is not allowed. We have to be very careful how we speak, what we post on social media, and what we write in blogs. Every day, we have to find creative ways to connect with people and share the Gospel subtly. We often worked under the radar, engaging in ministry through covert means such as personal relationships, acts of service, and subtle evangelism. My team and I worked at an English club to build relationships with college students. Our goal was to connect with them in class, then spend time together outside of class, creating opportunities to talk about Jesus.

God’s Unseen Hand

Even with all these challenges, I’ve witnessed God’s hand at work. It’s amazing to see how God moves in ways that go beyond human laws and restrictions. The Bible teaches us that God’s presence is not limited by human laws or geographical boundaries. Psalm 139:7-10 talks about how we can’t escape God’s presence, and I’ve seen this truth come alive. We’ve seen hearts softened to the Gospel despite governmental opposition, and small communities have been transformed through quiet acts of service and love.

Leaning on Faith

My faith has been my anchor. I pray constantly for guidance and protection, knowing that I can’t do this on my own. The support from believers around the world has been crucial, reminding me that I’m not alone in this mission. Their prayers and encouragement give me the strength to keep going, even when things are tough.

Seeing God’s Boundless Work

Despite the restrictions, the Gospel is spreading. It’s not always visible, but it’s happening. This reminds me of the early church, which grew even under persecution. Seeing this for the first time has been eye-opening and inspiring. It’s a powerful reminder that God’s work is not limited by human boundaries.

In conclusion, being a missionary in a closed country is incredibly difficult, but it’s also a powerful testament to God’s boundless work. Despite all the challenges, I’ve seen firsthand how God moves and transforms lives in ways that defy expectations. It’s a humbling and amazing experience that strengthens my faith and commitment to this mission.


I want to share this experience with everyone back home because I now realize firsthand how blessed we are to openly share and talk about the Gospel. We can freely go to church without the fear of being jailed, pray for someone without looking over our shoulder, and live in a country where idols, altars, and statues aren’t all around us.

It’s hard to describe in words without physically being here, but I hope whoever is reading this takes these words to heart. Please take advantage of the opportunity the Lord is giving you to freely evangelize to people. Not everyone has this opportunity we all take for granted.

With love,


4 responses to “Vietnam 🇻🇳”

  1. I been there keep up the great work !! God is so good He will alway make a way and open doors when they are open to hear His great word!!!

  2. You have a gift with your words. I am so proud of you. My prayer is that the devil stop making g it so hard in Thailand and making you want to come home!! 🙏
    So you can share you words with the children.
    I love you,
    Mom, (your favorite person❤️)

  3. It so easy to take for granted what we have until it’s been taken away. You have the opportunity to see what it looks like to not have the freedoms we have. Such cause to give thanks and praise…and look forward to the coming kingdom when the ways of the world will be replaced with God’s order. I can’t wait!