Carolines Attempt At Blogging

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Hello friends and family, 

Sorry, I have been mia that last month or so. We have just been so busy sharing the love of Jesus that I’ve had difficulty finding time to sit and write a blog. It’s taking me getting sick again to make myself sit still to write something down. 

I don’t have a revelation or anything to share with you this time so I’ll just kinda explain what life is like in Eswatini / Swaziland. 

We’ve been working at what is called a “care point”. It’s pretty much like our Beulah after-school care program at home… At least it’s what it reminds me of. It’s a safe place where kids can come after school and play with friends. The care point we are volunteering at is close to 1.5 – 2 hrs away from our homestead. 

We leave our house around 10. We take country bumpy backroads to the care point. 

The kids have been out of school for break so when we arrive at 11:30 the kids are typically already there waiting for us. If they are not on break they don’t arrive at the care point until 1:30 – 2. If they are in school we normally do a prayer walk/ do a Bible study with the women until the kids get there after school. 

We play with them (aka they braid our hair / sit in our laps / hold our hands/ have dance circles) until around 2-3 pm. 

Then around that time, the ladies at the ministry have the food ready to feed the kids. This is sometimes some of the kid’s only meal that day. Some stay at the care point to eat and some take it with them to start walking back home before dark. 

Then we normally leave around 3:30 to head back home. 

We get back around 5:30

cook dinner and eat around 6:30

have team time from 7-9

then we go to bed. 

This is our schedule Tuesday-Friday. Then on Mondays we go into a city called Manzini. This is where we ATL (ask the Lord) for the day. We go and do and speak to whoever the Lord is calling us to evangelize to / pray over. This past week we went to the city’s park and did public worship/prayer and then evangelized. Mondays are also the days when we have access to WiFi. So usually for lunch we will go to an outdoor food court that has WiFi. This time is nice to call my family and post weekly recaps on Instagram. It’s nice during the week to be disconnected from social media but it’s also nice to be able to catch back up on what is happening at home. Then after lunch, we go grocery shopping for the week. Then head back to our homestead at 4:30. 

Saturdays are our ATL/adventure days 

Sundays are our sabbaths 

This pretty much sums up our schedule here. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Over and out, 
